
Billions lost as ship blocks the Suez Canal



suez canal


Nikkei 225


▲ +446.82 / +1.56%

SSE Composite


▲ +54.74 / +1.63%



▲ +1,030.72 / +0.91%

Straits Times


▲ +16.24 / +0.52%



▲ +366.82 / +0.78%

Dow Jones


▲ +453.40 / +1.39%

DAX 30


▲ +127.58 / +0.87%



▲ +568.38 / +1.17%

FTSE 100


▲ +65.76 / +0.99%

JSE Top 40


▲ +1,965.38 / +3.32%

Market News

  • IBOVESPA: Amid Brazil’s COVID-19 crisis, the IBOVESPA index continues to show volatile behavior. 
  • Dow Jones: The Dow Jones industrial average appeared to end the day Friday with a promising uptick.
  • SSE Composite: The SSE Composite closed up Friday, although a major rebound for Chinese stocks doesn’t seem the case.

Last Week’s Highlights

Cargo Ship Stuck in the Suez Canal

As the point of passage for millions of dollars in cargo annually, the Suez Canal is extremely important for worldwide trade. Tuesday of last week, a cargo ship got stuck diagonally in the canal, blocking the way. This event is estimated to cost global markets at least $9 billion every day that the ship stays put. Unfortunately, it seems as though weeks could go by before cargo can be taken off and the ship is freed. In the meantime, plenty of other ships remain waiting to make their way through.

New Zealand Paves the Way for Parents’ Rights

Around the world, more and more legislation has been created to protect and help new parents. However, miscarriages are often a taboo issue seldom broached in legal and personal spheres. New Zealand has decidedly taken on this troubling, yet very common, topic. Legislators this week approved a law to give women and their partners three days of legal leave from work after a stillbirth or miscarriage in an effort to put the mental health and wellbeing of workers at the fore. 

Coming Up This Week

Human Rights Violations Continue in Upended Myanmar

Since the military coup staged in Myanmar on February 1 of this year, the number of atrocities ensuing appears only to rise. As a result of the sudden shift from democratic power to authoritarian rule, many citizens have taken to the streets in protest. Hundreds of these protesters have been killed, and many others now hiding from the military.

Brazil’s COVID Crisis Only Worsens

Despite general positive attitudes around the globe surrounding access to COVID-19 vaccines, the pandemic continues to rage on in Brazil. As of late, the death toll has reached over 300,000 in a country of around 212 million. The country’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, has refused to take considerable measures to prevent the spread and treat those affected, leading to disastrous clinic conditions. On top of this, a new variant that is seemingly more contagious has spread like wildfire.

More Things to Sip On…

Former CDC leader expresses concerns about COVID-19’s true origins.

Is France “high risk” in Europe’s third wave?

States rights and federal rights face off as new Georgia legislation appears to target racial minorities


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