
Nikkei 225
▼ -88.21 / -0.39%

SSE Composite
▼ -32.43 / -0.96%

▼ -1.350.09 / -1.30%

Straits Times
▼ -13.59 / -0.53%

▲ +6.66 / +0.22%

Dow Jones
▲ +46.50 / +0.17%

DAX 30
▲ +83.20 / +0.66%

▲ +15.12 / +0.04%

FTSE 100
▲ +5.24 / +0.87%

JSE Top 40
▼ -915.23 / -1.72%
Market News
- Hang Seng: As US sanctions were announced on Hong Kong’s leadership, the region’s Hang Seng index ended the day Friday down 1.6%.
- DAX 30: Like many other European indices, Germany’s DAX 30 just nearly closed up this past week.
- MERVAL: Argentina’s MERVAL index appears to maintain its nearly 20% monthly growth.
Last Week’s Highlights

Explosion in Beirut
Lebanon’s capital city experienced a massive explosion this past week on Tuesday. It is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands now without a home, thousands injured, and around 154 reported dead. The massive amount of ammonium nitrate that exploded has reportedly been stuck in the Beirut port for around seven years, with its original destination set as Mozambique. Now, this devastating event is expected to have serious consequences for the country and the Lebanese people, including a humanitarian crisis.

US Sanctions on Hong Kong Leader
As tensions have continued to rise and Hong Kong officials have failed to protect their people from encroaching Chinese power, the US has declared sanctions on the special administrative region’s leader, Carrie Lam. Among Lam are ten other officials. This announcement comes after a recent denouncement of Chinese actions to suppress democractic policies in Hong Kong, and the repression and brutality of Chinese and Hong Kong law enforcement at resulting public protests.
Coming Up This Week

South Africa Needing Help Controlling COVID-19
As the pandemic continues to maintain its grip on the world, populations in countries like South Africa are starting to see spikes in infection rates. In fact, South Africa appears to hold nearly half of the continent’s one million infections and its country with the highest death toll. The UN recently got involved by employing a team of experts to go to South Africa in an attempt to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

Schools Starting Around the Globe, Scary Results
Though summer is now in full swing in the northern hemisphere, the thought of schools reopening still remains on the minds of many. In Israel, school openings were thought to be the next step in reopening. Now, the Mediterranean country finds itself shutting them back down. Countries like Italy, among the worst to be hit in Europe, are also now expecting to begin a new semester in September. And while the risks of catching COVID-19 for children appear relatively low, the results of kids passing the virus on to parents, teachers, and administrators could prove devastating.
More Things to Sip On…
A plane carrying Indian nationals crashes in Kerala.
Still down tens of millions of jobs, the outlook for US employment markets doesn’t look good.
Germany will require COVID-19 testing upon arrival ~for free~.
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“During recession greed dies, frugality survives.”
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