
Nikkei 225
▲ +171.02 / +0.74%

SSE Composite
▲ +25.52 / +0.79%

▼ -471.38 / -0.48%

Straits Times
▼ -2.00 / -0.08%

▲ +154.15 / +0.43%

Dow Jones
▲ +131.06 / +0.48%

DAX 30
▼ -6.05 / -0.05%

▲ +14.23 / +0.04%

FTSE 100
▲ +28.77 / +0.48%

JSE Top 40
▲ +183.00 / +0.36%
Market News
- DAX 30: Despite closing just barely down (-0.05%) this past Friday, the DAX index remains up 1.98% this month.
- All Ordinaries: In Oceania, the Australian All Ordinaries index is down over 10% this year.
- MERVAL: Argentina’s MERVAL index has been riding out a relatively volatile year, now officially up 63.77% this year.
Last Week’s Highlights

India Is the New COVID-19 Hotspot
After India saw a world record for the number of COVID-19 infections reported in one day a few weeks ago, the situation only appears to be worsening and the numbers soaring. However, new data shows a relatively low death toll in comparison with the infection rate and even in comparison with countries like the US and Italy. These countries have been hit heavily by COVID-19, but a lack of reporting of deaths related to the pandemic could be curbing correct data gathering. The rate at which India is being overtaken by COVID-19 means it could eclipse the US very soon in terms of total cases.

Bulgaria’s Political Situation Heats Up
After Alexander Lukashenko was reelected Bulgaria’s presidency in a highly contested election, protests have erupted across the Balkan former-Soviet country. In response, the government deployed law enforcement and riot control brigades to violently dismantle the show of anger and resentment toward Lukashenko’s regime. Despite the fact that these demonstrations have been going on for nearly two months, it appears as though Lukashenko has no plan of stepping down. This move (or lack thereof) could likely be backed by Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin, who has tried to control Bulgaria over the years.
Coming Up This Week

Wildfires Rage on in the Western United States
California has a history over the last few decades of seeing increasingly more intense wildfires. Now, these fires aren’t only limited to the ‘Golden State’, and have started to spread all along the Pacific coast. More than 100 fires have been reported, with the possibility of more on the horizon. Tens of deaths have been reported, and the numbers of those left homeless and injured in addition will likely continue to rise.

Latin American Countries Sign Up for COVID Vaccine Testing
Various countries in Latin America, including Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia, have signed up to receive thousands of vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. These vaccines will arrive in the countries from different pharmaceuticals producing variations of what they believe to be the best vaccine to prevent COVID-19. And while many are welcoming these vaccines, there are also many concerned about the potential side effects it will present. As of now, no vaccine has made it past a third stage of large scale testing. Latin America very well could be the testing ground to be used.
More Things to Sip On…
More than half of young adults in the US now live with their parents.
Disney movies are beloved by many, but there’s a darker side.
It is starting to become flu shot season. Oh, thought you were exempt this time? You may want to think again.
5 Investment Tips To Become A Smart Investor

“Why don’t you invest? Or why do your friends not invest? Many millennials report mistrust of the market, lack of know-how, insufficient funds, and student debt as barriers that prevent them from investing.”
6 Steps to set your Personal Financial Goals

“No matter what stage of life you currently find yourself in, we’re pretty sure that you’ve given some thought about both your short- and long-term personal financial goals.”
20 Side Hustle Ideas to Boost Your Income

“A side gig, moonlighting, or, as the kids call it these days, a side hustle is an excellent way to diversify your income, make a hobby profitable, and even build your confidence.”
“During recession greed dies, frugality survives.”
– Amit Kalantri –
Visit our Disclosures section for additional information. All market information provided was collected in the afternoon of September 11, 2020. The purpose of NewsFlight is to summarize and make accessible information on a variety of topics within the world of investing and personal finance, and thus cannot be considered formal research or reports. All sources utilized to compile the NewsFlight newsletter are considered trustworthy by the FlexInvest team. FlexInvest is not affiliated with and does not receive remuneration from the news sources used to compile NewsFlight. As well, any images or logos incorporated into the NewsFlight newsletter are not necessarily property of FlexInvest and may solely be included to provide context for the news covered. NewsFlight should not be taken as advice to sell or buy securities or to make any investment. When investing in securities or other financial products, there is always the potential to lose money or asset value. FlexInvest recommends that its users consider their investment objectives and risks before investing. Additionally, any projections or analysis made by authors of NewsFlight cannot be considered as a promise of future trends or returns. Opinions expressed in News Flight are not representative of FlexInvest Inc.